Monday, October 13, 2008

Funny Kid Quote of The Day

So today Redden had some information to share with Rich when he got home from work. Rich was at the computer and Redden walked up to him, pulled his mouth wide open with his fingers and said "Hey dad, look, I got another loose tooth and I'm gettin' a mullet". Of course he meant to say molar, but he had no idea what one was until I said today after school, "sure enough, you're getting a molar". Funny kid!


Mark and Lachelle said...

Oh NOOOOO!!! Not a mullett!

Brian and Mal said...

Hee hee! Please tell me that's not what Redden is trying to grow his hair out for...

Brent & Kathy said...

A mullet it the way to go these days. School is teaching him great trends! Ha! Oh, I had a question...the photo with Redden holding that your pampered chef timer on the couch? Do you already have to break up baby holding time with a timer? ha.

Gma Chris said...

Dude.. Thank heavens it was a Molar. I am dealing with the long hair.. but cutting it into a mullet wouldnt fly.