Thursday, January 22, 2009

You know what they say about paybacks...

What do these pictures have in common?

I wont publicly mention how long I sucked my fingers out of shear embarrassment but I hate paybacks.


Bill & Jen said...

I LOVE IT!!!! Atleast when you leave the house now, you don't have to worry about where the DAMN binky is!! HEHE...I loved it when Lily sucked away on hers!!
Wait..sshhh, did I hear you say you sucked your thumb till you where 10?? Just wondering. ;)

Cami said...

Take them out of her mouth NOW! You don't want a Payton! The dentist might have to put in an appliance that will stab her fingers if she sticks them in her mouth! It's messing up her teeth. It's so cute, but stop it now. haha.

Danielle said...

But look how adorable she is and it's great becasue she can sooth herself! :O)

Just wait until she's two and you have to break the habit...UGH! Now that's hard. Courtney still has a major overbite because of this habit...up next for her in 2009...braces!

Bill & Jen said...

Well, My pedi said that it is not a problem when they are this young....and it's something that comforts would you feel if someone took away your your computer, house or family. Well that is how it is for Jessi. Some Children don't have a problem sucking on something other then their finger, they just do it becuase their binky is gone. That's how lily was...and guess what, she's not sucking on her thumb, and she doesnt LOVE her binky....Now, that's what I'd say to any other mom,.....but you on the other hand may have an issue because of how long you sucked on your thumb..(uhmm, junior high)becuase you know, it is very heriditary.
I'm done.

Mark and Lachelle said...

I know what they have in common! I know! I know! And coming from a finger sucker myself...the thumb crap doesn't work. I just endured it, and sucked the nasty crap off my finger!

Gma Chris said...

Since you wont publicly state how old you were when you stopped I guess I can do that for you. Werent you like going into young womens or close to it. I think you stopped after you had your tonsils and adnoids out because it hurt to suck.
Hopefully her teeth will come in and you wont have to have her gums cut to let them in.
Then you can live through the appliance in her mouth with a little key that widens her mouth and gives her a gap that she can fit how many pages of the B of Mormon in? Then live through 2 1/2 years of braces.
Yes, paybacks are great arent they?

Leah said...

Haha I am laughing so hard at all the hilarious comments!! Paybacks do suck! I have never had a kid personally suck their thumb so I don't know what that would be like but I probably wouldn't have minded it. Doesn't it make for great babies??? Who would want to mess with that?! Funny thing, Lana is such a strict person when it comes to her kids sucking their thumbs since she was in the "dental field." Well she did all in her power for her first 2 children not to do it... and guess what?? Her third child LOVES her thumb! She just gave in and said to hell with it all! No worries, we do what we have to survive. Jessie is too dang adorable to take away that little thumb anyways!

Pamela said...

Oh Andrea, she is so cute! I can't stand it. I so want one of my own.