Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Jessi at 6 mo.

This is a picture of Jessi and her pediatrician Dr. Farley at her 6 month well child check. I absolutely love this picture of both of them actually. She had recently started sitting at about 5 months and didn't actually roll over very well for a while. She still did not have any teeth. She loved to eat anything that we were eating (which wasn't always possible~ more pics to prove this later) She started giggling and laughing histerically at her brothers. She loved ice cream cones ( I know once again I'm proving that my OCD is going away~ never in a million years would I have been caught dead giving my other 2 ice cream cones...way too messy :0) She was a fun little baby at this age but still didn't feel too different for me as a mom. Still a baby that required the same attention- Boy or Girl. She loved to be packed around by her brothers, pulled on a blanket, pushed in laundry basket etc. She absolutely loves Redden.


Gary or Carol said...

Hang in there girl...you'll be caught up eventually. Well, maybe...seeings how your kids are so dang cute that you will never run out of stuff to say about them.

Jody said...

I know the feeling about getting behind on blogging!! I cannot stay caught up!

Your little girl is adorable.